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Changes to a Professional Corporation

Duty to Notify College of Change

A professional corporation is required to provide written notice to the Registrar within 30 days of the occurrence of any change. To notify the College, please submit a Notification of Change form, in the Professional Practice Portal, within 30 days of the change. There is no fee for these changes.

Professional Practice Portal 

Notification of Change – Professional Corporation

Corporations are required to notify the Registrar of any change in the shareholders of the corporation or of a change in the Managing Director of a Corporation. 

Notification of Change Professional Corporation (PDF)

Corporations are required to notify the College of their business address (i.e. the address where they practise veterinary medicine). Business addresses are public and appear on the College's Public Register along with other publicly available information. 

Corporations must also notify the College of their current mailing address if different from the business address. This is the address used for College communications. It is not available to the public unless it is the same as the business address. A professional corporation is a separate entity from an Accredited Practice and has its own record with the College. Address updates for your Practice record will not automatically update the Professional Corporation address. 

Notification of Change Professional Corporation (Professional Practice Portal)

The name change request must be approved by the College before being amended with the Ministry. If amendments do not meet the requirements or are too similar to another professional corporation name, the College will not approve the name change request. 

The steps for the name change are as follows: 

  1. Submit an Application for a Professional Corporation Name for an existing Professional Corporation in the Professional Practice Portal 

  1. Receive the name approval from the College 

  1. Amend the name with the Ministry 

  2. Provide notice to the College by submitting the Notification of Change form and include a copy of the Articles of Amendment from the Ontario Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery.

Professional Practice Portal
Notification of Change Professional Corporation (PDF)

An amalgamated corporation must meet all the eligibility conditions and requirements for issuance of a certificate of authorization by the College. The College must receive a completed Notification of Change form as well as a copy of the Articles of Amalgamation. 

Documents Required to Amalgamate 

  • Notification of Change; 

  • Articles of Amalgamation; 

  • Shareholders Register and/or Directors Register (if required) 

Notification of Change Professional Corporation (PDF)

A shareholder is permitted to hold shares of a professional corporation through a holding company, so long as all the shares of the holding company are held by licensed veterinarians. 

Documents required to add a holding company: 

  • Notification of Change; and 

  • Articles of Incorporation or Shareholders Register of the Holding Company.

Notification of Change Professional Corporation (Professional Practice Portal)

The managing director is required to notify the College of the dissolution of a professional corporation. 

Documents required to dissolve: 

  • Notification of Change; and 

  • Articles or Certificate of Dissolution (optional) 

Notification of Change Professional Corporation (Professional Practice Portal)