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Applicant Fees

Fee information for applicants including College application fees, licensing fees, National Board Examination fees, and helpful links.

College application fees

Application to the CVOApplication for licensureCVO$100 plus HST ($113) 
Jurisprudence ExaminationPass jurisprudence examination CVO$175 plus HST ($197.75) 
  • If you are submitting an application within one year of the resignation or expiry date of a previously-held licence with the College, then the application fee will not be applied. 
  • If you are submitting an application after your licence was cancelled for non-payment of fees or failure to file an information return, the application fee ($100), a late fee ($200) and a reinstatement fee ($200) are required. If your licence has been cancelled for more than one year, the application fee ($100) and reinstatement fee ($200) are required. 

College fee changes on October 1, 2024

On October 1, 2024, the licence application fee and the jurisprudence examination fee will change to the following:

StepFee (as of October 1, 2024)
Application to the CVO$250 plus HST ($282.50) 
Jurisprudence Examination$250 plus HST ($282.50) 

Licensing fees

For General, Restricted, Public Service, Academic and Postgraduate and Resident Licences 

January 1 to December 31$1085 + $141.05 HST 
April 1 to December 31 
$760 + $98.80 HST 
July 1 to December 31 
$545 + $70.85 HST 
October 1 to December 31 
$325 + $42.25 HST 

For Educational Licences 

January 1 to December 31$250+$32.50 HST 
January 1 to June 30$125 + $16.25 HST 
July 1 to December 31 $125 + $16.25 HST 

For Short-Term Licences 

30-day period$250 + $32.50 

Competency examinations

1st – Basic Science: 
The Basic and Clinical Sciences Examination(BCSE) is a computer based, four-hour test 
2nd - Veterinary Medicine: 
The North American Veterinary Licensing 
Examination (NAVLE*) is a computer-based exam that requires one full day to complete. 
3rd - Preliminary Surgical Assessment: 
The PSA is a mandatory prerequisite for CPE registration. 
4th - Clinical Proficiency: The Clinical Proficiency Examination (CPE) is a practical exam that requires four days to complete and involves the examination and treatment of live animals and the performance of routine laboratory procedures. 
Graduates of AVMA-accredited veterinary schools must pass the NAVLE only 
Graduates of a non-accredited veterinary school must complete 3 examinations. 
* NAVLE and CPE can be attempted in any order 
CVMA Fees 
BCSE $525.45 
NAVLE $1254.30 
CPE $8814 
AVMA Fees 
BCSE $220 
CPE $7630 
ICVA Fees 
NAVLE $705 
PSA Fees $1130