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College launches new facility accreditation model and standards

October 11, 2023

The Council of the College of Veterinarians of Ontario is pleased to launch its new flexible and innovative facility accreditation model and standards. 

“Our Council is so pleased to provide the public and the veterinary profession with a dynamic system for facility accreditation that enhances accountability and supports the delivery of safe, quality veterinary medicine in Ontario. The new model and its standards are the result of 10 years of research and consultation to ensure they reflect the evolving nature of veterinary practices and meet the public’s expectation.”

Alana Parisi, President of the College of Veterinarians of Ontario

At its September meeting, the College Council approved the Accreditation Standards for Veterinary Facilities in Ontario. The new accreditation model permits a veterinarian to define their facility’s scope of practice and then meet the facility standards that are relevant to their scope. Veterinary facilities are inspected regularly to ensure they meet the standards.

“The delivery of veterinary medicine has evolved greatly over the past 30 years, when the College’s previous accreditation system was established. Today’s veterinary practices are far more diverse. It is common to see veterinarians delivering services to a mixture of animal species or possibly having very specific, defined services. The new system is nimble and supports this evolution,” 

Jan Robinson, Registrar and Chief Executive Officer with the College

Through the accreditation of veterinary facilities, the College ensures veterinary facilities provide a professional environment and contain the essential equipment required for patient care. There are more than 1,700 veterinary practices operating 2,400 facilities in Ontario. All veterinary facilities, including mobile facilities, are inspected regularly to ensure they meet accreditation standards.

The College Council is committed to managing the risks involved in the practice of veterinary medicine in Ontario and working to reduce any potential for harm to animals and to people. The College’s governing Council is comprised of 13 elected veterinarians and five public members, appointed by the provincial government.  The College licenses approximately 5,300 veterinarians and accredits over 2,300 facilities in Ontario.